Changing Series Colors and Measure Range on Y-axis in Jfree Charts (Jasper Studio)

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 0

In this blog the following topics will be covered  :

  1. Changing series colors in Jfree charts
  2. Changing measure range and displaying percentile symbol with measure value on the y-axis

Prerequisites: Jasper Studio 6.4.0

Database Name: foodmart

1. Whenever we create a chart some colors are applied by default.

See below image: Store sales Profile/Loss Percentage Bar chart

Store sales Profile/Loss Percentage Bar chart











Follow the steps to change series colors in the chart:

If we click on the chart, in chart properties >  chart plot > Series Colors > Add

choose colors based on your requirement. Click on finish to apply those colors.

In below image: Adding series colors

Adding series colours








Below Image: Bar chart with changed colors

Bar chart with changed colours


2. Changing  measure range and displaying percentile symbol with measure value on the y-axis

Below image: Bar chart with default range on the y-axis

Bar chart with default range on y-axis


If we click on chart  Properties > Chart > Chart Customizers

Chart Customizer options


Choose Value Axis Range and Tick, then click on next you will get

Value axis range and tick


Enter Min Range, Max Range and Distance values, click on finish to apply given ranges.




To give percentile symbol to the range :

Click on chart properties > Chart plot

Values in axis


Bar chart with Change measure range and percentile symbol



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