Introduction to SpagoBI

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Databases, Javascript | 0

Introduction to SpagoBI

SpagoBI allows to produce reports using structured information views (lists,tables, crosstabs, graphs) and it allows the multidimensional analysis through OLAP engines, which are more flexible and user-friendly, compared to structured reports overall architecture is composed of five modules:

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SpagoBI Server:

  • The main module, which provides all the BI capabilities, is the SpagoBI Server. This is the only mandatory module, the one that offers a web-based end-user environment to run all types of analysis.
  • This is the only place / server where all BI documents are stored and used by end users. The end-user GUI is entirely web based and can be accessed via a common web browser


SpagoBI Meta:

  • Is the module of SpagoBI suite specifically focused on technical metadata management, whereas business metadata are managed by SpagoBI Server.


SpagoBI Studio:

  • Developers use SpagoBI Studio (client application) to develop analytical documents using the business model, to get data and deploy documents into a remote SpagoBI Server.


SpagoBI SDK:

  • Mainly to authenticate the user, send or receive metamodels, analytical documents or data sets.
  • It is the standard development kit for java developers who need to integrate SpagoBI with their applications.
  • It is a collection of web services, tag libraries or APIs that allow to relate an external application to SpagoBI Server, allowing to use some SpagoBI documents and functionalities in this environment.


The integration layer that allows external tools and applications to interact with SpagoBI Server

SpagoBI Applications:

  • SpagoBI Applications are ready to use. Usually, they don’t include code.
    Some pre-built analytical models can be installed into SpagoBI Server and be immediately released for the end-user.


Spago BI offers many engines for reporting and analytical area, following are few:

JasperReport,BIRTReport, BO (displaying reports managed by Business Objects 6.5),
JPivot/Mondrian, JPalo/Mondrian, JPivot/XMLA Server.


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