How TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

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Once a customer has accessed the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI, all GA hotfixes can be found under the directory Available Downloads. (View instructions below).


This hotfix can be downloaded directly from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI.

  1. Login to the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI.
  2. Go to the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Home. Click on the Downloads drop-down menu –>Select Hotfixes (See the following screenshot).
  3. How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

  4. The Hotfix is stored under the Available Downloads folder.
  5. How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

  6. The Hotfix is stored under Available Downloads / < Product Name >/ < Product Version >/hotfix-< Version >
  7. How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

  8. How to use Hotfix on Jasper server UI and update with the latest Build: 20210909_1344, & do existing product bugs fix.
    • Unzip downloaded Hotfix using CMD:- (unzip
      Create one directory in your home machine name as

      Hotfixusing CMD:-(mkdir hotfix)/home//Hotfix/

      Again Create one new directory inside Hotfix name as jasperserver-pro using CMD : (mkdirjasperserver-pro )
      How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

    • Now copy only unzipped ( from ( folder using this
      CMD:- cp /home// .

      How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

    • Now Unzip the using
      cmd:- unzip

      How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

    • Now Resynchronized this Hotfix using this CMD for your newly installed Jasperserver 7.9
      rsync -a /home/shshil/Hotfix/jasperserver-pro/ /opt/jasperserver79/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/
    • And restart the server using (/opt/Jasperserver79_prod/ restart).
    • Now you can see the latest Hotfix installed on your server it helps to remove all the existing bugs on your upgraded Server.How  TIBCO users access/download/Install Hotfixes for Jasper Server UI?

Thank You,

Shrestha Shil

Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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