Steps to hide the Popular resources and Recently viewed items in the Jasper server :
Open the file HomeView.js in the below path
1. To hide popular items, comment the below code in the HomeView.js file
this.popularLinksBlock = new ExpandableBlock({ title : i18n["popular.resources"], stateKey: "homePagePopularLinksExpandableList", $block: popularLinksView.$el }); this.$(".homeSidebar").append(this.popularLinksBlock.render().$el);
Screenshot :
2. To hide recent items ,comment the below code in the HomeView.js file
this.recentItemsBlock = new ExpandableBlock({ title : i18n["recently.viewed.items"], stateKey: "homePageRecentlyViewedResourcesExpandableList", $block: recentItemsView.$el }); this.$(".homeSidebar-title").after(this.recentItemsBlock.render().$el);
Screenshot :
3. To change the order change the code as follows
Replace this code in the function : render: function () { this.$el.append($(_.template(homeTemplate, this.model.toJSON()))); this.$(".homeMain").append(this.workflowsView.$el); this.$(".homeSidebar-title").after(this.popularLinksBlock.render().$el); this.$(".homeSidebar").append(this.recentItemsBlock.render().$el); return this; }
Test Cases :
1. Screenshot before changing the order
2. Screenshot after changing the order
I hope it helps,
In case if you have any queries, please get us at
Prashanth Kasoji
BI Developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

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