How to Hide Menu Items in Jasper Server

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 1

How to hide menu items based on the user roles in the Jasper server.

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Prerequisites: Jasper server 6.4.1


  1. Logged in to jasper server with super user credentials.
  2. To create Role, Go to Manage tab and click on Role. Roles window will be opened.
  3. Click on Add Role and enter the Role. In this blog I have given ROLE_HYD
  4. To create User, Go to Manage tab and click on user. Users window will be opened.
  5. Click on Add User and enter the name of user and password.
  6. Assign the role to user
  7. Open the below directory in the server installation path
  8. Jaspersoft\jasperreports-server-7.1.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-IN.

  9. Open the file actionModel-navigation.xml. And add the following code
  10. Save the file and restart the server

Test Cases :

  1. Login with the user having the role other than ROLE_HYD. See the menu items
  2. Login with the user having the role ROLE_HYD. Create item has been removed.

Conclusion: If we login with the users having the role ROLE_HYD not able to see the Create item in the menu.

The users having the role other than ROLE_HYD able to see Create item in the menu.

In case if you have any queries please get us at

Thank You
Eswar K
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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Is there any solution to hide home icon in jasper server page?