Helical Insight for ETL Tester (QA)

Posted on by By nitin sahu, in Business Intelligence, Databases, ETL, Helical Insight | 0

Helical Insight for ETL Tester (QA)

Let’s take an example that your ETL developer has just wrote an ETL script, which loaded the data into the Data Warehouse, few millions of records got inserted into the Data Warehouse.

For QA, it is super difficult to test all (millions) of the data and also a time consuming process. Moreover, there are many other problems like

  • some might not be well versed with writing complex SQL queries
  • There might be multiple data sources involved in generating the Data Warehouse.
  • Writing multiple queries on multiple data sources and then combining it in one single result set would be a sweat breaking task.

Now think of Helical Insight as your friend which helps you to do most of your tasks, allowing you to focus on more critical thinking rather than just doing stare and test whole day. Wondering how Helical Insight can help you achieve the same?

Here is your answer,

  • Helical Insight is capable of communicating with any of your data source(s) like CSV, Excel, MySql, Oracle, SQL Server, Postgres etc.
  • Helical Insight has a drag and drop feature to make your test cases ready, without even having a prior knowledge of SQL queries. Helical Insight generates the SQL queries including the joins between multiple entities. Helical Insight understands your data structure, hence it generates the query even if you are working with different set of data source(s), DW or normalized database, Helical Insight understands all.
  • Using this (drag and drop) facility you can generate all your test cases in a form of report, which you can call it as your test cases. For example, your report does a count of records for a dimension. You can save this report and check the same with source system by creating a separate report. If its a migration project the count should definitely match otherwise we know something is wrong with the ETL Script.
  • Once you have saved these reports (test cases) you can re-executes them again an again to verify your data. In the above situation you have just identified that Helical Insight is really a very useful tool with some really cool features like generating the SQL query for any database or data source(s), ability to execute the queries on any databases or data source(s), ability to save the report / test cases / SQL queries for future usage.

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