Download and Install SQLite Studio

Posted on by By Ramu Vudugula, in Databases | 0

Download and Install SQLite, Installing sample database and connecting to a database using SQLite Studio

Summary: This tutorial shows step by step how to download and install SQLite, installing sample database in the SQLite and connecting SQLite database using SQLite Studio


  1. Download SQLite

    To download SQLite, open the download page of the SQlite website.

    Go to the SQLite website. Then Click on Download button

    SQLite provides various versions for various platforms e.g., Windows, Linux, and Mac. Choose an appropriate version to download.

    Here to work with SQLite on Windows, download “”

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    It will be downloaded in the zip format.

  2. Install SQLite
  3. Create a new folder e.g., C:\sqlite.

    Extract the content of the file that we downloaded in the previous step to the C:\sqlite folder. We can see the sqlite3.exe is in the C:\sqlite folder.

  4. Open the command line window and navigate to the C:\sqlite folder.
  5. c:\cd c:\sqlite
  6. Next type sqlite3 and press enter, we can see the following output:
  7. c:\sqlite>sqlite3
    SQLite version 3.23.0 2018-04-02 11:04:16
    Enter ".help" for usage hints.
    Connected to a transient in-memory database.
    Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
  8. Now SQLite database is installed in the machine
  9. Download sample database
  10. Download the sample database using link “”

  11. Go to SQLite installation folder and create folder “db”. Extract the contents of the above downloaded database zip and place it in the db folder
  12. Using command line program, run below commands to connect database
  13. c:\sqlite>

    Use the following command to connect to the chinook sample database located in the db folder.

    c:\sqlite>sqlite3 db/chinook.db

    We can see the following command:


    Now we will try a simple command e.g., .tables to view all the tables available in the sample database
    sqlite> .tables

    This command will show all the tables present in the database

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  14. Installing GUI tool to connect SQLite database
  15. To connect SQLite database using GUI tool, download and install SQLite studio. SQLite studio is free, portable, intuitive, and cross-platform. It also provides some of the most important features to work with SQLite databases such as importing, exporting data in various formats including CSV, XML, and JSON.

  16. To download SQLite studio, go to “” website and click on download. Select the appropriate version and download.
  17. Here we have downloaded “” file/p>

  18. Extract the content of the file that we downloaded in the previous step and open the folder
  19. Run “SQLiteStudio.exe” to open SQLite studio
  20. Now we can see the “chinook” sample database in the SQLite studio which is installed in the earlier step, we can write SQL queries on the sample database

Thank You
Ramu Vudugula
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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