Helical’s code level Expertise on Talend for custom feature implementation

With any ETL job development, there is a lot of repetitive work involved. Much time is spent on writing those repetitive jobs rather than implementing core business logic. Also, with many ETL developers working in parallel, often, there are issues of non-standard naming conventions and non-reusable ETL jobs.

Keeping these kinds of recurring issues in mind, we have developed an agile ETL development framework on top of Talend called Helical Scrunch which offers the below-mentioned benefits:

• Pre-built modules which can be configured readily and used

1. Error handling

2. Null handling

3. Pre-processing

4. Post processing

5. Notifications

6. Mailing, etc.

• Such pre-built modules allow good time savings (on an average from 30% to 70%).

• Developers can, right from the first day, focus on creating ETL jobs which are responsible for implementing business logic.

• Standardization in terms of nomenclature and documentation, thus, output quality is better and often the Talend ETL jobs are reusable

• A web interface to help monitoring the progress along with various kinds of reporting

Get in touch to have a demo of Helical Scrunch and how it can help in cost savings, quicker implementation as well as better deliverables.