Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

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Azure Logic App is a cloud-based platform for creating and running automated Workflow that integrate your apps, data, services, and systems.Workflow in an Azure Logic App is a sequence of actions or processes defined in steps. The actions will perform the business operations when input is provided through the managed connectors.Every workflow will be initiated by the trigger being fired.With this platform, you can quickly develop highlyscalable integration solutions for your enterprise and business-to-business (B2B) scenarios.

  1. Create a logic app and add recurrence trigger. Add time interval,frequency and Time zone according to the time you required to restart your function app.It will trigger the logic app automatically at the time provided in the recurrence. So that Function App will Restart Automatically.
  2. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App 1

  3. Add a new step and then look for Azure Resource Manager.
  4. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

  5. Once you click on it, search for “Invoke” and pick the “Invoke Resource Operation” action.
  6. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

  7. It will ask to sign in with your Azure Account to create a connection to Azure Resource Manager.Just sign in with your credentials.
  8. we need to fill in the following fields:
  9. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

  10. Subscription: This should be available in the drop-down by default, if not then enter your Subscription Id.
  11. Resource Group: The resource group in which your Function app resides
  12. Resource Provider: Microsoft.Web
  13. Short Resource Id: Goto”Properties” section of your Function App Service and Check “ResourceId”. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function AppShort Resource Id starts from “ site/—– “ till end.
  14. Client Api Version: we can found Client Api Version on ( is a date value with the name of “Api Version”.
  15. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

  16. Action Name: This is the Action which we want to do With Function App. i.e Restart.So we have to Provide the Action Name is “restart”.
  17. Save and Run the Trigger.
  18. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

  19. Once it Run Successfully it shown like below
  20. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

  21. Now we need to check is our Azure Function app restart or not. Goto Azure function app we have an option of “Activity log” click on it and you will get the status of the App same as below screen shot.
    Note:Some time it will take 5 to 10 minutes to reflect the status.Please refresh the app if it is not showing any status.
  22. Create Azure Logic App to Restart Azure Function App

Thank You,
Prashant Tonk
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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