Table of contents in Jasper Community 6.3
create report and add it to the report book:
- Click to open the selection window.
Jasperstudio->jasper Report->next->Blank A4 ->next
- Select the root folder->give suitable file name jrxml-> next
- In the Data Source window, select foodmart DB – Database JDBC Connection, and enter the following query:
Make data easy with Helical Insight.
Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.
SELECT * FROM customer ORDER BY state_province limit 200
- Add the required data fields in the subreport from the list.
- State_province
- Occupation
- Education
- Phone1
- Lname
- Customer_id
How to create report and add it to the report book:
- Click to open the selection window.
Jasperstudio->jasper Report->next->Blank A4 ->next
- Select the root folder->give suitable file name jrxml-> next
- In the Data Source window, select foodmart DB – Database JDBC Connection, and enter the following query:
SELECT * FROM customer ORDER BY state_province limit 200
- Add the required data fields in the subreport from the list.
- State_province
- Occupation
- Education
- Phone1
- Lname
- Customer_id
Add the state_province field in the group by field.
Compile the Report.
Add report to the report book:
- Click to open the selection window.
Jasperstudio->jasper Report-> report books->abstract book-> next->report book-> query->finish.
- Drag Content_Page.jasperfrom the Project Explorer into the Content group.
- In the Properties view of Content_Page.jasper, -> data->click Edit Parameters.
- In the Report Part Parameters window, click Add to open the Parameter Configuration dialog.
- In the Parameter Name field, enter REPORT_CONNECTION.
- Click to open the Expression Editor.
- In the first column, select Parameters.
- From the center column, double-click REPORT_CONNECTION parameter connectionto add it to the editor field, and click Finish. The expression appears in the Parameter Configuration field.
- Click OK and confirm the parameter has been added to the Part Parameters list, then click Finish.
Similar way add as many content page in the report.
Preview the report to see the report book.
Also, we can add number of subreports in the main report and add that report in content page. In this case while previewing report we ll be able to see the subreport name and the respective page number in which it got rendered.
For further queries and help please comment.

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Nisha Sahu
BI Developer