Javascript “This” in Javascript By admin "This" is the commonly used feature of JavaScript and it is at a times most confusing keyword. In this post I am going to show you how to keep track of this. The basic concept for this is, An object...
Business Intelligence Arrays in JavaScript By Nikhilesh Here is the question. Suppose you are given two arrays as key, value pairs and asked you to associate them as Object with the same, who would you do that? So, here is the solution for it. function associateArrays(keys, values)...
Data Visualization Data Visualization using C3 JavaScript Library By admin This library is used to create a dynamic and interactive data visualizations. C3 is a library build on top of D3. C3 is d3 based reusable chart library and most important advantage of using c3 is that you don't have to...
Front End Why Browser Detection is Bad ? By Nikhilesh It is against the spirit of web standards The whole reason that web standards exist is so that we don't have to write specific code for specific environments. We should write code that adheres establishment of standards and software in...
Helical Insight Inheritance by Borrowing a Constructor JavaScript By Nikhilesh Inheritance by borrowing a constructor will allow us to call a function and then pass an object that the function should bind to this value. So, for the sake of inheritance purpose, the child constructor calls the parent's constructor and...
Front End Arrays and Objects (in OOP) By Nikhilesh In this post, we first discuss Arrays in a loop and then we move on to Objects in Object Oriented JavaScript Programming. So, there is an array as: var input = ["js", "css"]; var config = { "build" : ["js",...
Front End Closures in JavaScript By Nikhilesh In this post, we mainly focus on Closures in a loop. Sometimes it will be hard-to-spot bugs when it comes to Closures because everything looks great on the surface. For example, let us consider this function: function F() { var...
Java Java Policy File By Nikhilesh JAVA POLICY FILE The Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Version 1.3 and later specifications have a well-defined programming model...
Front End Drag and Drop in React DND By Nikhilesh DRAG AND DROP IN REACT [caption id="attachment_5391" align="aligncenter" width="300"] React DND[/caption] This is an example of implementing drag and drop functionality using React. This is the first example where we’ll use an external library, in this case, React DnD. Components...
Business Intelligence JSON Schema By Somen Sarkar JSON Schema What is JSON? JSON Stands for JavaScript Object Notation. This is a structure that can be used to store data as in key value pair separated by : . JSON can be used to transfer data to and...
Java Getters and Setters of JavaScript for a Java Programmer By Nikhilesh Getters and Setters of JavaScript for a Java Programmer In this blog article I will discuss about an important feature of JavaScript - property Getters and Setters. Getters and Setters help you to achieve data encapsulation. The write up is...
Front End Getting Started with gulp By Nikhilesh Getting Started with gulp While working on a project, one is bound to have a bunch of repetitive tasks such as testing, minification, compiling less/sass/templates, etc., because we are humans, we are bound to make mistakes at one point or...