Business Intelligence Data Analysis Techniques By admin Data Analysis Techniques The need and way to analyse data basically depends on the end and not on the source.That end is typically the need to perform analysis and decision making through the use of that source of data. Data...
Data Visualization Types of Dimensions in Data Warehouse By Nikhilesh Types of Dimensions in Data warehouse Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. What is Dimension? Dimension table contains the data about the business. The primary keys of the dimension...
Business Intelligence Helical Insight for ETL Tester (QA) By nitin sahu Helical Insight for ETL Tester (QA) Let's take an example that your ETL developer has just wrote an ETL script, which loaded the data into the Data Warehouse, few millions of records got inserted into the Data Warehouse. For QA,...
Business Intelligence Why Helical Insight -ADHOC? By admin HI (Helical Insight) is a reporting tool (BI tool) that helps in Data Visualization of various kinds like Tables, BarCharts, LineCharts, etc. It is a very good tool since its use is simple and easy. HI has a feature called...
Business Intelligence Virtual Cubes and their Significance in Mondrian By Nikhilesh What is a Virtual Cube and What is its Significance in Mondrian Before going into the Virtual cubes, first lets just refresh our memory about what is a cube. A cube is basically a multi dimensional views of data,querying and...
Business Intelligence Staging DB in Data Warehousing – The WHYs and WHY NOTs By Shraddha Tambe Staging DB in Datawarehousing - The WHYs and WHY NOTs Whenever we talk about designing datawarehouses, staging database is one consideration we have to make. And it depends on many factors whether you choose to have one or not. I...
Business Intelligence JSON Schema By Somen Sarkar JSON Schema What is JSON? JSON Stands for JavaScript Object Notation. This is a structure that can be used to store data as in key value pair separated by : . JSON can be used to transfer data to and...
Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Vs Business Analytics By Nikhilesh What’s the difference between Business Analytics and Business Intelligence? The correct answer is: everybody has an opinion, but nobody knows. For example, when SAP says “business analytics” instead of “business intelligence”, it’s intended to indicate that business analytics is...
Business Intelligence Is your Business Intelligence tool really Intelligent – Try Helical Insight By Nikhilesh According to Forrester blog a typical BI tool costs $1,50,000/- and ETL costs about the same. Services, hardware and implementation generally scale up to 5 times the software cost. It is after investing so much that most businesses realize that the...
Business Intelligence Validation Framework in Helical Insight By Somen Sarkar Validation Framework in Helical Insight Q) What is validation framework? Ans) This framework helps to validate the form data in the server side. Q) Which data is validated? Ans) Every request to the server (GET or POST method) have some...
Business Intelligence Introduction to Helical Insight By Sayali Mahale Helical Insight is our own BI tool. Helical Insight consists of different 5 layers: 1) Templating Layer:In this layer dashboard is defined.It is a end user interaction layerthis is realated to the JavaScript framework layer. 2) Javascript framework Layer:All the interaction with...