Big Data JSTL SQL Tag Lib By Somen Sarkar The <sql:> tag lib in JSTL The sql tag lib helps to develop a simple jsp database application. This taglib comes in handy with dataSoursetDataSource, query, transaction and update tags The tag lib can be used by putting the following...
Helical Insight Document Fragments By Nikhilesh The one of the most underrated feature of JavaScript is DocumentFragment. DocumentFragment is a DOM Node-like parent which has node-like properties/methods and is not a part of the actual DOM tree. It can be used for better performance. A DocumentFragment can...
Business Intelligence The Print When Expression By Sohail The Print When Expression The print when expression in Jasper Studio or Jasper iReport is very useful in so many requirements and it is defined as the name itself implies i.e Print /Show a String, Column and so on Based...
Data Visualization Data Visualisation Using C3 Javascript Charting Library By Krupal C3 is JavaScript library which builds on top of D3. D3 is also JavaScript library used to make complex visualisations. D3 is too advanced, often we just want to add a simple graph to a webpage to show some statistics....
Helical Insight Introduction to Groovy By Somen Sarkar Groovy Language Groovy can run on JVM Groovy scripts can be executed using groovy jar file. Annotations are supported in groovy. Groovy installation. Binary download link The binary can be run from command prompt Set GROOVY_HOME, GROOVY_HOME\bin variable as...
Helical Insight Developing Custom Maven Plugins By Nikhilesh Writing Custom Maven Plugins In this article I would like to point you to a very handy concept i.e. writing custom maven plugins to facilitate in your build process. If you are a Java developer then you must have been...
Business Intelligence Arrays in JavaScript By Nikhilesh Here is the question. Suppose you are given two arrays as key, value pairs and asked you to associate them as Object with the same, who would you do that? So, here is the solution for it. function associateArrays(keys, values)...
Helical Insight Understanding Form Tag’s Target Attribute By Nikhilesh form tag has a target attribute, which can be used the control the response after the form submission. target can take one the following values: _blank: The response will be displayed in new tab/window _self: The response will be displayed...
Business Intelligence What is Analytics? By admin What is analytics? Global Data Analytics is the fastest growing sector in the word in terms of almost all types of industries be it in the field of finance, E-commerce, retail, sports, telecom or health. In today’s competitive world where...
Data Visualization Data Visualization using C3 JavaScript Library By admin This library is used to create a dynamic and interactive data visualizations. C3 is a library build on top of D3. C3 is d3 based reusable chart library and most important advantage of using c3 is that you don't have to...
Helical Insight Inheritance by Borrowing a Constructor JavaScript By Nikhilesh Inheritance by borrowing a constructor will allow us to call a function and then pass an object that the function should bind to this value. So, for the sake of inheritance purpose, the child constructor calls the parent's constructor and...
Business Intelligence Types of Facts in Data Warehouse By Nikhilesh Types of Facts in Data warehouse What is Fact Table? Fact Table consists of Measures/Metrics/Facts of a business process. Typically it contains two types of data. Foreign keys which are holding the primary key of Dimension Tables and the second...