Business Intelligence Anonymous Authentication in Pentaho By Nikhilesh This blog will be talking about anonymous authentication in Pentaho. You can bypass the built-in security on the BA Server by giving all permissions to anonymous users. An "anonymousUser" is any user, either existing or newly created, that you specify...
Business Intelligence Jasper Report Localization Example By Nikhilesh Jasper Report Localization Example Applying localization on jasper reports and jasper input controls. This blog post helps you understand how localization can be achieved , what can be localized and its limitations. What can be localized? Localization can be done...
Business Intelligence Enable CAS in Different Applications By admin This blog talks about how to Enable CAS in Different Applications What is CAS The Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a single sign-on protocol for the web. It's purpose is to permit a user to access multiple applications while providing...
Business Intelligence D3 Bubble Chart Integration with Jaspersoft By Nikhilesh In this blog we will be discussing about D3 Bubble Chart Integration with Jaspersoft using HTML method of integration. All the reports are develop using ireport 5.5 professional and jasper server 5.5 As html component of jasper server does not...
Business Intelligence D3 Sankey Chart Integration with Jaspersoft By Nikhilesh In this blog we will be discussing about D3 Sankey Chart Integration with Jaspersoft using HTML method of integration. All the reports are develop using ireport 5.5 professional and jasper server 5.5 As html component of jasper server does not...
Business Intelligence Using JavaBeans set Datasource in Jaspersoft iReport By Shraddha Tambe JasperReports provides several types of pre-defined/ready-to-use datasources which can be used to provide the data that is filled in the report. We are going to look at one such datasource, the ‘JavaBeans Set Datasource’, which allows us to use JavaBeans...
Javascript JavaScript Classes By Nikhilesh JavaScript Classes For any one with classical OOPs (Java, C#, etc) background, working in JavaScript might not be easy, as it doesn't contain keywords such as class , static , private , public or protected , that one might be...
Business Intelligence Automated data testing for disparate data sources By Nikhilesh Automated data testing for disparate data sources Disparate source data testing is a major challenge in IT industry. In our last article 10 Key Performance Indicators to check for quality data after ETL, we have seen how the data leak may...
Business Intelligence Creating Report In Jaspersoft Report using Linear Gauge as Component By admin This blog will teach reader how to create report in ireport using linear gauge as component and publishing it on the jasper server. Purpose : to compare the avg(salary) of male and female employee in an organization Database server :...
Business Intelligence Jasper BI And Pentaho Reports Performance Optimization By Nikhilesh In any BI solution, we create a lot of reports and dashboard. Often the developers come across the problem that the solution is not performing well, the reports are taking a lot of time to load. In this blog we...
Javascript RequireJS : Loading JavaScripts dynamically By Nikhilesh According to a survey by W3Techs, Around 90% of websites uses JavaScript to enhance its usability and/or to make it interactive. There is a rise in trend of using JavaScript libraries (and plugins). According to google-web metrics, the average number...
Business Intelligence Install LifeRay on Tomcat Using WAR By admin In my previous blog, I shared how to install liferay on existing tomcat using liferay source code. You can found my previous blog here This blog will be talking about how to install liferay on Tomcat using WAR (existing...