Miscellaneous Connection Time Out in AWS EC2 By Nikhilesh Connection Time Out in AWS EC2 Possible reasons for timeout when trying to access EC2 instance The most likely one is that the Security Group is not configured properly to provide SSH access on port 22 to your i.p....
Business Intelligence Create a row grouping in Table Component (Jasper Report) By Nikhilesh Create a row grouping in Table Component (Jasper) Consider an example currently you are showing the data as shown in below using tabular component. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is world's best open source business intelligence tool....
Business Intelligence Jaspersoft Reporting Bands By admin I-Report Bands A jasper report is composed by a set of sections named as “bands”. Every band contains few properties such as height. Band height should be greater than 0, otherwise it will never be visible to user. ...
Business Intelligence Failover and Load Balancing in Jasper Server By Nikhilesh Failover and Load Balancing in Jasper Server Installing jasper instances Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Grab The 30 Days Free Trail For sample configuration I installed two Jasperserver...
Databases INNODB Backup and Recovery using mysqldump By Nikhilesh InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL. MySQL 5.5 and later use it by default. It provides the standard ACID-compliant transaction features, along with foreign key support (Declarative Referential Integrity). It is included as standard in most binaries distributed by...
Apache Spark Installing Java and Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu By Sayali Mahale Installing Java and Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu In order to Install Java and Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu: Make sure that Java and Apache Tomcat is not present(running) on Ubuntu. Use following command to check whether Java is present or...
Business Intelligence Restrict Multiselect Input Control Values in Jaspersoft By admin How to restrict Multiselect input control values in Jaspersoft This blog will teach the reader , how to restrict multiselect input control values in jasper without hampering the performance . Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the...
Business Intelligence Migrate Oracle with Pentaho By Nikhilesh Steps to migrate Oracle with Pentaho Step 1:- Run the script as DB admin. Script is available in location:- biserver-ce\data\oracle10g. Modify configuration file:- applicationContext-spring-security-hibernate.properties. Location:- pentaho-solutions\system\applicationContext-spring-security-hibernate.properties. original code:- jdbc.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver jdbc.url=jdbc:hsqldb: hsql:// localhost:9001/ hibernate jdbc.username=hibuser jdbc.password=password hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect Modified code:- dbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/sysdba...
Business Intelligence Virtual Servers on Talend Administration Center (TAC) By Nikhilesh Working with Virtual Servers on Talend Administration Center (TAC) Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Grab The 30 Days Free Trail Virtual Server Configuration : A virtual server...
Business Intelligence Remove Repeated Column, Page Header, Footer in CSV Export (JASPER) By Nikhilesh Remove Repeated Column header, Page Header, Page Footer in CSV Export (JASPER) Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Get your 30 Days Trail Version In CSV export, we want...
Miscellaneous Scheduling Talend Job on both Windows and Linux OS By Nikhilesh Scheduling Talend Job on both Windows and Linux OS In order to schedule a Talend Job, first we have to export the job as build job which will generate the runnable files to execute on required OS. And also all the...
Javascript Using Bootstrap Modal with ReactJS By Nikhilesh Using Bootstrap Modal with ReactJS Here we will be creating a reusable React-component for Bootstrap Modal. Setup Let’s first create a skeleton for our component. Create a file bootstrap-modal.jsx which contains the following code: var BootstrapModal = React.createClass({ displayName: "BootstrapModal",...