Business Intelligence Arrays in JavaScript By Nikhilesh Here is the question. Suppose you are given two arrays as key, value pairs and asked you to associate them as Object with the same, who would you do that? So, here is the solution for it. function associateArrays(keys, values)...
Helical Insight Understanding Form Tag’s Target Attribute By Nikhilesh form tag has a target attribute, which can be used the control the response after the form submission. target can take one the following values: _blank: The response will be displayed in new tab/window _self: The response will be displayed...
ETL Checklist before Starting new ETL Work By Nikhilesh ETL Checklist ETL Checklist is the things to know when you starting a ETL project. Database Connections: Metadata and the jar files required for Source and Target Databases Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best...
Miscellaneous Hello World in React By Nikhilesh React is a view library by facebook. The easiest way to get started with it using jsfiddle. Here we will have a look at writing a simple Hello world in react. The following code will render "Hello World!" inside h1...
Miscellaneous Generate Data Using SQL Server Implementing in Modrian Cube By Nikhilesh Generate data upto a certain time using SQL Server and implementing in Mondrian cube In case of some scenarios in which the data is very huge i.e. it is having data of upto last 10-20 years. Now the user wants...
Business Intelligence Dynamic Schema Processor Mondrian Schema in Runtime By Nikhilesh Introduction to Dynamic Schema Processor- Modifying Mondrian Schema in Runtime What is Mondrian? Mondrian is an open source OLAP Server which is written in Java. It supports MDX (Multi Dimensional Expression) query language and the XML for analytical and olap4j...
Business Intelligence Publishing Custom Component in Jasper Server By Nikhilesh Creating your Custom Visualization Components v6.0.x For creating the custom Visualization Components follow the following link : Publishing custom component in jasper Server -------------------------------------------------------------------- we have to configure 3 properties in ( you will find this file in this...
Business Intelligence Triggers in SQL By Sohail Let's Have Fun with Triggers in SQL [wpdevart_youtube]BGJjLQr9Q2w[/wpdevart_youtube] What are Triggers? Triggers are a Block of Structure that executes when a DML Statement is performed or Executed. Triggers are fun to use but from a business point of view not...
Business Intelligence What is Analytics? By admin What is analytics? Global Data Analytics is the fastest growing sector in the word in terms of almost all types of industries be it in the field of finance, E-commerce, retail, sports, telecom or health. In today’s competitive world where...
Business Intelligence BIRT Integration in Web Application By admin BIRT is an eclipse based reporting tool which produces a .rptdesign file. To view this .rptdesign file as a HTML file, it must be run through the BIRT engine. There are two ways of doing this, one is through...
Data Visualization Data Visualization using C3 JavaScript Library By admin This library is used to create a dynamic and interactive data visualizations. C3 is a library build on top of D3. C3 is d3 based reusable chart library and most important advantage of using c3 is that you don't have to...
Business Intelligence Cross Database Query in PostgreSQL By admin Cross – database query in PostgreSQL : We can join results from two different databases in PostgreSQL by using dblink/postgres_fdw( foreign database wrapper). Postgres_fdw : this feature is available in Postgres 9.3 onwards.By using we can connect to tables in...