Business Intelligence How to Remove Home Page and Filters Options in Jasper Server Pro By Nikhilesh How to Remove Some Items in Home Page & Some Filters Options Under View List Menu in Jasper Server- Pro-6.2 With Role-Based Security Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool....
Business Intelligence Role Based White Labeling of Jaspersoft By Sayali Mahale Role Based White Labeling of Jaspersoft As JasperSoft is an opensource tool , we can customize it as we want. Let's consider if you want to hide any menu item for particular User Role , display some different name to...
Javascript Test Your JavaScript With Jasmine By Krupal Testing is the best way to assure high quality of software. There are many testing tools and one is Jasmine to test our JavaScript. What is testing? Testing is all about verifying that your code does what it is expected...
Software Testing How to Set Severity and Priority for a Bug By K Ramakrishna How to set Severity and Priority for a bug? Severity and Priority, these are often a confused concepts and are almost used interchangeably amongst not only test teams but also development teams. There’s a fine line between the two and...
Javascript “This” in Javascript By admin "This" is the commonly used feature of JavaScript and it is at a times most confusing keyword. In this post I am going to show you how to keep track of this. The basic concept for this is, An object...
Business Intelligence Attributes in Jaspersoft DataSource Definitions By admin Introduction of Attributes in Jaspersoft Datasource Definitions From Jaspersoft Version 6.0, we have the option to create attributes on Datasource Definitions. We can achieve this by defining attributes on below three levels : 1. Server Level 2. Organization(Tenant) Level...
Data Visualization Data Visualisation Using C3 Javascript Charting Library By Krupal C3 is JavaScript library which builds on top of D3. D3 is also JavaScript library used to make complex visualisations. D3 is too advanced, often we just want to add a simple graph to a webpage to show some statistics....
Helical Insight Introduction to Groovy By Somen Sarkar Groovy Language Groovy can run on JVM Groovy scripts can be executed using groovy jar file. Annotations are supported in groovy. Groovy installation. Binary download link The binary can be run from command prompt Set GROOVY_HOME, GROOVY_HOME\bin variable as...
Business Intelligence Implementation of Security in Pentaho Using Dynamic Schema Processor By Nikhilesh Dynamic Schema Processor: How to Implement Security in Pentaho Using Dynamic Schema Processor In my earlier post, I had explained the meaning of Dynamic Schema processor (DSP) and why do we need it. Now if you have a Mondrian...
Helical Insight Developing Custom Maven Plugins By Nikhilesh Writing Custom Maven Plugins In this article I would like to point you to a very handy concept i.e. writing custom maven plugins to facilitate in your build process. If you are a Java developer then you must have been...
Business Intelligence Conditional Styling in Pentaho Report Designer By Nikhilesh Conditional Styling in Pentaho Report Designer Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Claim Your 30 Days Free Trail Today in this blog we'll specifically concentrate on how to...
Business Intelligence Arrays in JavaScript By Nikhilesh Here is the question. Suppose you are given two arrays as key, value pairs and asked you to associate them as Object with the same, who would you do that? So, here is the solution for it. function associateArrays(keys, values)...