Business Intelligence Pentaho BA Server 6.0 : How to enable Pentaho Marketplace and Pentaho CDE(CTools) in the Enterprise Edition By Nikhilesh Enable Pentaho Marketplace and Pentaho C-Tools in Pentaho BA Server 6.0 EE Pentaho 6.0 is the first version of the Pentaho enterprise-class server with new features to automate, manage and enhance every stage of the data pipeline. Pentaho 6.0 also...
Business Intelligence Organization Security In Jaspersoft By admin Organization Security In Jaspersoft Security implied on the report based on the organization details of the logged in user can be brought into reality through the use of parameter “'$P!{LoggedInUserAttribute_organization}'”. Here we have called this parameter in the Input control...
Business Intelligence New Jaspersoft 6.3 By Nikhilesh What’s new in Jaspersoft 6.3? Jaspersoft is majorly known for Pixel Perfect Reporting. But Jaspersoft has always lagged behind when it comes to Dashboards when compared to other tools available in the market. The capabilities one has for Dashboards in...
Business Intelligence Localisation of Text, Images and Input Control Labels in Jasper Reports Server By admin Introduction : Jasper gives users the freedom of configuring the text, images and Input control labels according to the client language. This blog shows the process of localizing the reports by defining the exact translation of the text and input...
Software Testing What is Cross-Browser Testing? Why Do We Need to Test in Multiple Browsers? By K Ramakrishna What is Cross-Browser Testing? Why Do We Need to Test in Multiple Browsers? What is Cross-Browser Testing? Cross browser testing is one of the most important part of the software testing life cycle where, the whole software along with its...
Business Intelligence Functions For Linking Two Dashboards in Pentaho CDE By Nikhilesh Use of Setparam() and GetParam() function for Linking Two Dashboards in Pentaho CDE In order to link two dashboards using Pentaho CDE, we can define two set of functions one which could set the parameters and the other where one...
Business Intelligence Return Values in Jasper Reports By Nikhilesh Return Values from Sub Dataset to Main Dataset in Jasper Reports Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Sometime it is required to return values from sub dataset to main...
Business Intelligence Hiding Items in Schedule Output Options Tab of Jaspersoft By Nikhilesh How to Hide Some Items in Schedule Output Options Tab Dynamically According to Roles --> In this case, my aim is to hide File Handling & Output Destination to the Role_user so that he cant able to save schedule to...
Databases SQL with Groovy By Somen Sarkar SQL with Groovy Groovy provides a handy way to handle jdbc when compared to java. Playing with database becomes very easy with groovy. To use SQL scripting with groovy we have to use the groovy.sql.Sql package. Make data easy with...
Big Data Install Hadoop on Windows By admin Introduction : This blog enables Hadoop users to install Hadoop on windows. As Hadoop is usually built and run on LINUX, windows installation in relatively new. The following Blog contains steps to download Hadoop and its prerequisites, install YARN based...
Business Intelligence Date Field Format Customisation in Adhoc View on Jaspersoft UI By admin Date Field Format Customisation in Adhoc View on Japser UI Often while working with Adhoc Reports on jasper we get limited option for the available date format in jasper. There are number of ways to fix this but one I...
Business Intelligence Work Flow of Talend MDM By Nikhilesh Work Flow of Talend MDM Talend MDM stores and manages the master data. It also provides platform to do data modelling for the master data. Domains are called entities here. The data is stored into XML format or in sql...