New Jaspersoft 6.3

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

What’s new in Jaspersoft 6.3?

Jaspersoft is majorly known for Pixel Perfect Reporting. But Jaspersoft has always lagged behind when it comes to Dashboards when compared to other tools available in the market. The capabilities one has for Dashboards in Jaspersoft are limited. Thus in this release, they have mainly focused on Dashboards capabilities and few other features. Let’s check out what exactly Jaspersoft have come up with:


  • Dashboard and dashlet exporting.


Using this feature, one can directly export a specific dashlet or a dashboard to different formats as shown below. The dashboard can be exported in PNG, PDF, DOCX, ODT & PPTX formats. To activate dashboard exporting button, ‘show exports’ check box must be checked which is there in settings.



Even dashlets now can be exported in the same way.





  • Text and image dashlets now support hyperlinks.


In this feature, by clicking on the textboxes one can navigate to other dashboards.



You get two options to navigate the new dashboard, one to update in the same window and other to open in new window.



Same goes with the images. For example in the screenshot shown below, user clicks on the image of the US flag.



Hence, this opens the dashboard for sales in the US.



These textboxes and images thus function as hyperlinks. Textboxes and images can do more than just navigate users to the specific areas of the product. They can also be used to update parameters and even show dynamic text.



  • Browse button for the repository is now available to the image dashlets.


In the previous version, there was no ‘Browse’ button present while selecting an image for the dashlet. The user had to give the complete URL of the image file location. Now Jaspersoft have made it easier for the users by introducing ‘Browse’ button by which users can directly choose the files from the system.

browse button



  • New Date and Time wildcards are available in textfields for the dashlets.


This is a new feature in Jaspersoft to add date and time to the dashboard. Auto-complete feature is available in this in which if you type ‘$’ symbol, a drop down list will appear showing different formats of Date and Time.





  • More formatting options for dashboards and dashlets.


Jaspersoft 6.3 gives you the ability to change the background color of the dashboard as well as the text color within the dashlets (dashlet title bar) along with other formatting. We can also change the color of the textbox.






  • Support for scheduling Dashboard exports.


In this version, one can also schedule a dashboard just like the reports in earlier version. They can be scheduled in DOCX, ODT, PDF, PNG and PPTX formats.


  • Support for SFTP with SSH key authentication as a transfer protocol.


The Scheduled exports are saved in FTP over SSH or SFTP


  • Automatic validation of the path to the repository output folder when clicking Save.


It automatically checks whether the user has permission to write in the destination folder


  • Support for changing the default output folder by editing a configuration file.


The configuration file is applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml located in jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF



Data Connectivity

New drivers are added to the system as well as existing drivers have been updated. Many companies are using Cloud to help support their data and infrastructure needs. So, Jaspersoft have added Salesforce and Microsoft SQL Azure to the list of cloud connectors.

The new version also adds:

  • New driver for Spark.


  • New Progress driver for Cassandra.


  • New JDBC driver for MongoDB.


  • Updated MongoDB Connector.


  • New Progress driver for Impala.


  • Updated JDBC driver for MariaDB.



Untethered Mobile Access

One can access to the information on the Mobile phone by using the JasperReports app which can be downloaded from the APP Store or Google Play (iOS and Android). We can also share the reports on social media using this phone app and highlight figures that you wish to as shown below.



Jaspersoft Studio

New enhancements include:

  • Font extensions can be grouped in supersets which include several languages or character sets. We can now choose which font to use for a particular language.


  • Import/export for configuration resources, which lets you migrate global configurations, such as global data adapters, composite elements, and Jaspersoft Studio preferences between different instances of Jaspersoft Studio.


  • Improvement in interface for editing properties in HTML5 charts.


Performance Improvements

The high-cardinality data is processed faster using SQL queries on the database. The JasperReports Server also uses very less memory to this task when working with Ad-hoc views or the reports based on Ad-hoc views.


Security Improvements

More effective and less intrusive, the new Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection mechanism is implemented by the JasperReports Server.


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