Business Intelligence Latest Features Available in JasperReport Server 6.4 By Sayali Mahale Latest features available in JasperReport Server 6.4 Following are the different features available in JasperReport Server 6.4 1. Export options for organization admins. In JasperReport Server 6.3 only ROLE_SUPERUSER has export options but in JasperReport Server 6.4 export option is...
Business Intelligence Dynamic Query Implementation in Jasper CVC By admin Dynamic Query implementation in stacked bar chart using high chart library in jasper CVC In this blog, I'll discuss how dynamically data returned from query can be used in stacked bar chart. Here, I have created stacked bar chart using...
Business Intelligence Custom Hyperlink Handler in Jasper Reports Server By Sayali Mahale Use custom hyperlink handler with a Dashboard in JasperReports Server Used jasper server version : 6.3.0 Problem Statement: Add hyperlink control for particular dashlet which will open drill-down in same dashboard page instead of opening drill-down report in new page....
Business Intelligence Hide Logout Option for Externally Authenticated Users in Jasper Report Server By Sayali Mahale Hide logout option for externally authenticated users in Jasper Report Server An external user is a user outside of an organization who does not directly login to Jasper Reports Server. JasperReports Server does not store the passwords of external users,...
Business Intelligence Fixed Series Color for Specific Labels in Jasper Jfree Charts By admin Fixed series color for specific series labels in Jasper jfree charts We often face the situation where it has been asked to implement specific series color for each particular series in the different charts of jasper. Thus,here I am trying to provide solution...
Business Intelligence Show Subscripts in IReport, Jasper Server and in PDF Export By Satya Gopi Show subscripts in IReport, Jasper server and in PDF Export Requirement: Show number in field value as subscripts in IReport ,Jasper server and in PDF Export. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source...
Databases Groovlets By Somen Sarkar What is Groovlet? A Groovlet is a Servlet in Groovy script or in other word Servlets in Groovy What it does? The groovlet jar helps us to automatically compile .groovy source files into bytecode. It load the Class and cache...
Miscellaneous Grails By Somen Sarkar What is grails? According to grail documentation Grails is a full stack framework and attempts to solve as many pieces of the web development puzzle through the core technology. What are the built-in features of Grails? Data management: It is...
Miscellaneous HttpClient By Somen Sarkar What is HttpClient? Any program or software that can make call to any url or webapplication using http proptocol is HttpClient. What are the dependencies of HttpClient? 1. commons-codec jar 1.2 2. commons-logging jar 1.0.4 3. junit What are the steps...
Business Intelligence Grouping in Jasper Report-Table By Nikhilesh Grouping in Jasper Report/Table Grouping in a canned report which can be developed in Jasper Studio is easily done in Cross-tab. Cross-tab can be used when a measure has to be calculated on more than one dimension and in that...
Miscellaneous Log File Using System.out By Nikhilesh Log File using system.out If you want your System.out.print() output to be logged in the file rather than console, then that could also be possible by little trick. Before we start, System.out.print() :: System - Java Main Class :: out -...
Business Intelligence Drill Down Report: Passing Parameters in Jasper Server By Nikhilesh Drill Down Report: Passing parameters from main report to the drill down report in Jasper Server While we create a report using an Ad-hoc view, there are times when we use Drill down reports in the Dashboard. Drill down report...