White Labeling of JasperSoft

Posted on by By Sayali Mahale, in Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0


White Labeling  of  Jaspersoft

A white-labeling is a service produced by one company for example Jaspersoft, that other companies reband to make it appear as if they had made it. Customers sometimes want to customize the look and feel of the Jasper Reports Server interface by performing customizations. As Jasper Report is open source tool we can customize it.

Jaspersoft Login Page

Such as:

  1. Branding on the  Browser tab and Title Bar
  2. Favicon
  3. Logo
  4. Welcome label
  5. Contact button
  6. About and Copyright
  7. Theme

Let us consider that we are making customization from Jaspersoft to Helical IT Solutions :

To customize Branding on the Browser tab and Title Bar

The Branding on the browser tab and title bar includes the:

  • The company name on the browser tab.
  • The company name on the title bar.

Important Note:
After making changes save the file and first of all Restart the Server then only you are able to see the changes.

To change the company name on browser tab and title Bar :
1) Open this file for editing:
2) Change the title as you want in <title> tag.

<html><head><title>Helical IT Solutions: <decorator:title /></title></head></html>

3) Log into the Server.


To change Favicon

1) Rename your icon to favicon.ico.

2)Copy the icon to this location : C:\Jaspersoft\jasperreports-server-5.6\apache-tomcat\webapps

3) Log into the Server.


To change Logo

To change the Logo on all pages including Login Page:

1)Navigate to the path:


2)Copy the logo image logo.png with dimension as 141*28 pixels and give it the same name logo.png

3)Log into the server as superuser.

4)Goto View->Repository

5)In the folder panel on left side right click on root/Themes,and select Add Folder.

6)Name the new folder customizations


7)Right-click the customizations folder, and select Add Folder,Name the new folder images

8) Add your logo to the images folder:

a. Right-click the images folder and select Add Resource > File > Image


The Upload a File From Your Local Computer page appears.
b. Browse to your logo.
c. In the Name field, enter logo.png
d. In the Resource ID field, enter logo.png


9)Click Submit .

10)The logo.png file appears in the
Themes > customizations > images folder in the repository.

Now the logo is available on server it appears in the web interface after you perform the procedure “To Add New Theme ” as mention.


To customize Welcome label

1) Navigate to the path:

C:\Jaspersoft\jasperreports-server-5.6\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro \WEB-INF\bundles\

2)Open this file for editing:

3) Search for a Login page in file
Change LOGIN_WELCOME_OS property to Welcome to Helical IT Solutions

#Welcome Login PageLOGIN_WELCOME_OS=Welcome to Helical  IT Solutions# the following 2 strings belong to the same sentenceLOGIN_ONLINE_DEMO_PRE=For a quick look at the functionality, check outLOGIN_ONLINE_DEMO=our online demos.


To customize the Contact JasperSoft Button URL And Label

1) Open this file for editing

C:\Jaspersoft\jasperreportsserver5.6\apachetomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro scripts\

2) Change the URL of the CONTACT_SALES_URL in the loginBox variable definition from the jaspersoft.com address to another address, for example, http://www.helicaltech.com

var loginBox = {LOGIN_BOX_TEMPLATE_DOM_ID: “login”,.. CONTACT_SALES_URL: “http://www.helicaltech.com”,_dom: null,


3)Open the following file for editing:


4)Search for the BUTTON_CONTACT_SALES property and the definition from Contact JasperSoft to Contact Helical.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           To customize About and Copyright

To hide the copyright and About link on all server pages, including the Login page:

1) On the file system of the server, navigate to the \themes directory in the server installation files. By default, this directory is in the following source code location:


2) Copy overrides_custom.css to a different location on your hard drive and open it in a CSS editor.

3) Add the following line to the file:

#about, #copyright{display:none;} 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            To Add New Theme

To activate the customizations theme :

1) Log into the server as superuser.

2) Click View > Repository

3) In the Folders panel, right-click the customizations folder in Themes,Add themes.css file.

5)Right click the customizations folder select Set as Active Theme.

6)Logout to the server, Restart it ,to see the changes.


Thanks ,
Sayali Mahale


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