Sorting Data In Mysql Based On Field Value Of a column

Posted on by By admin, in Business Intelligence, Databases | 0

This blog will teach you how to sort Data In Mysql Based On Field Value Of a column

We can sort data based on field value of a column by using ORDER BY FIELD () in mysql.

Database : world

Table name : country

If i will execute the below query :

“select distinct Continent from country” then i will get the output as :


Let say that we want to sort the data in a specific order by “Asia,Africa,North America,South America,Antarctica,Oceania,Europe”.

So in this case we can not perform simply order by because either by ascending or descending , we can not get our required output.

So let’s use the below query :

“select distinct Continent from country

order by field (Continent,’Asia’,


‘North America’,

‘South America’,




And we will get the output as required:



Rupam Bhardwaj




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