Logout Page Customization in Jaspersoft

Posted on by By admin, in Business Intelligence, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

                                                           Logout Page Customization in Jaspersoft :

When we click on Log out link in jaspersoft or when the session expires , it is always redirected to Jaspersoft Login Page.

Now if we want to see any other page or let say we want a proper message saying that

“You have successfully logged out” .

So for this , I have created one “logout-custom.htm” file and placed it to the below location :


Then , I modified decorator.jsp :

<li id=”main_logOut” class=”last”><a onclick=”exitUser()”><spring:message code=”menu.logout”/></a></li>

here , on click of Log out , written one function .

function exitUser(){

var currentUser =


    // This fetches the current username (logged in user) from the session scope.

var loggedInUser=’${sessionScope.SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME}’;


var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

if ((xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) || (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 302)) {

window.location.href = “./logout.htm”; // it will redirect to custom logout page that we want to see.



xhttp.open(“GET”, “exituser.html”, true);



window.location.href = “exituser.html”;



Rupam Bhardwaj


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