Installation of Firebird db

Posted on by By admin, in Business Intelligence, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

Steps to install firebird db

1. Go to google and type firebird in search box and then click on first link.

Installation of Firebird dbLicense aggrement

2. Click on downloads and then install Firebird latest version(5.0.0).

Installation of Firebird db

3. It will navigate to the below page now select required operating system(Windows 64)

Installation of Firebird db

4. Now download windows executable installer,recommended for first time users.Once download is finished,double click on the downloaded Firebird- file.

Installation of Firebird db

Select setup language

5.Select setup language(English) from below dropdown and then click on “OK” button

Installation of Firebird db

License aggrement

6. After selecting language it will navigate to the license aggrement page select “I accept the aggrement” and click on Next.

Installation of Firebird db

Information page

7. Click on “Next” in the below information page

Installation of Firebird db

Select destination location

8. Select destination location(Setup will install into the selected location) through browse option and then select “Next

Installation of Firebird db

Select components

9. It will navigate to server components page, by default server components, Developer and admin tool are selected.

Installation of Firebird db

Click on “Next” in server components page.

Select start menu folder

10. Click on “Next” in select start menu folder.
Its optional to check/not don’t create a start menu folder which is present at very left bottom of the page

Installation of Firebird db

11. By default architecture is selected as run firebird in superserver mode ,run firebird as a server and start firebird automatically everytime boot up and copy firebird client library to system directory and click on “Next” in server additional tasks page.

Installation of Firebird db

Create a password for the database system administartor

12. Create password for sysdba admin and click on “Next”.

Installation of Firebird db

Ready to install

13. Click on “Install” in ready to install page.

Installation of Firebird db

14. Click on “Next” in below information page.

Installation of Firebird db

15. Once installation is done click on finish option.

Installation of Firebird db

Thank You
Nikhila Bejjala
Helical IT Solutions

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