What is model in DBT
In dbt (data build tool), a model represents a logical transformation of raw data into a structured and analytically useful form. It consists of SQL queries that define how data from source tables or views should be selected, filtered, and aggregated to create a derived dataset. Models encapsulate the business logic necessary to generate meaningful insights and are designed to be modular, making them reusable and easy to maintain. By employing models, dbt enables a structured and version-controlled approach to data transformation, facilitating collaboration and ensuring the consistency and reliability of analytical outputs.
How To Create Models
Follow the below steps to create models in dbt UI (cloud)
- Log in to the DBT account. Click “Develop”
- Find “models” folder in the project folders
- Click the … next to the models directory, then select Create file.
- Name the file filename.sql, then click Create.
- Write the transformation code / SQL and
For eg –WITH raw_listings AS ( SELECT * FROM AIRBNB.RAW.RAW_LISTINGS ) SELECT id AS listing_id, name AS listing_name, listing_url, room_type, minimum_nights, host_id, price AS price_str, created_at, updated_at FROM raw_listings
- Click save
How To Run The Model
“dbt run” command is used to run the model code / SQL. In the command prompt, enter “dbt run” at the bottom. You should get a successful run and see themodels created.
In case if you have any queries please get us at support@helicaltech.com
Thank You
Nikitha Rastapuram
Helical IT Solutions

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