Pentaho is a business intelligence and data integration platform, and you can use “Get subfolder names” in transformations, The ability to retrieve subfolder names from a directory is often required when dealing with dynamic or changing file structures.
Here are the steps:
Start by creating a new transformation in Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) Spoon. Drag and drop the “Get subfolder names” component as shown in the below screenshot.
Double click on the component and browse for the path till where you need the all subfolder names as shown in the below screenshot.
In the mentioned above path we have folder3 and folder4 with in folder2.
Add “Text file output” component to see the result and pull the required fields.
Run the transformation and check the output file for all the subfolder paths. Here is the output result.
By this Method you can get all the subfolders path list by using “Get subfolder names”component in Pentaho.
Thank You
Helical IT Solutions