How To File Or Post A New Bug In Bugzilla

Posted on by By admin, in Software Testing | 0

Prerequisite :To file a new bug user must have login credential for bugzilla

Below are the steps to post a new bug in Bugzilla :

1. Go to the bugzilla page by using valid URL.
2. Click on LogIn option which is present at top menu bar
3. Provide the valid credential (Email address and Password) in input boxes and click on login button.
4. After the successful login user can see the bugzilla Homepage.
5. Click on ‘File a Bug’ option or ‘New’ to open a bug reporting page.

How To File Or Post A New Bug In Bugzilla

6. In the product component select the product in which you want to post bug -> In version list select a version of the product .
7. Select the severity of bug from dropdown list (,Major,Normal,Minor,Enhancement,Requirement)
8. Select hardware type with which bug is related to Desktop,Mobile, etc.
9. Select Operating system from listed options in which bug,Linux.Mac OS, etc.

How To File Or Post A New Bug In Bugzilla

10. In the ‘Belongs to’ option select with which technology bug is related to
for eg.Fronted,Backend and Both. ->Select the webserver of product /Application from list
11. In the ‘Module ‘ option select module with which bug is related to from listed module list.
12. In the ‘Browser’ select browser in which bug is,Mozilla, Microsoft edge,etc.
13. Select the ‘Environment’ in which bug found. server,Dev server, Production,etc.

How To File Or Post A New Bug In Bugzilla

14. In summery -Write a short but descriptive summery about the bug which developer or any other person can unserstand easily and correct.
15. In description box-Provide detailed steps to reproduce the bug,provide any important notes which should be considered if have any.
Note :Whatever present in bug summery that same should be available in description also.
16. Click on ‘Add an attachment’ If you want to provide any attachment related bug.After clicking on that option you will see two options. -> Click on ‘choose file’ to upload attachment file from you local machine. -> In the description box write description related to attachment.
17. At last click on ‘Submit Bug’ to post a bug.The bug will post successfully and new bug id will create for you bug.

Thank You
Kedar Ingale
Helical IT Solutions


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