How to Disable the Domain Validation Check in Jaspersoft

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 0

Whenever you try to edit a domain in Jasper, Jasper server by default validates it against the data source used in it to ensure that domain design is in sync with the underlying table used in the data source. This validation can be time-consuming if the data source is very large and complex and so the domain development time will also be more in this case.

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We can reduce this time by configuring one property in the jasper’s installation directory to ignore validation check and simply upload it on the server.

To achieve the same,

  1. Go to (Jasper Home)/WEB-INF/applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml
  2. For bean slConfig, set property skipDomainDatabaseValidation to true.

    Domain Validation Check in Jaspersoft

  3. Stop the application server
  4. Clear the Work and Temp directory
  5. Start the application server

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Rupam Bhardwaj
BI Consultant
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

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