This blog covers the process of creating a data source for interactive reports in Pentaho.
Pentaho Interactive Reporting is a drag-and-drop, browser-based design environment for interactive reports that allows you to quickly add elements to your report and format them to your preference.
This option is present in the Pentaho Enterprise edition only.
To apply data security, customized data model has to be created for interactive reports which are created through a tool called Pentaho metadata-editor.
Pentaho metadata-editor is a design tool, open the tool and create a new domain file.
Below is the view of the tool.
Below are the steps to be followed:
- Create a new domain file. Click on File –> new domain file
- To create a model, you must have access to a data source.
- To access a data source, right-click on Connections and create a new connection.
- Test the connection and click on OK. Then you can view a list of tables present in a database where you can select the required tables needed for interactive reporting.
- After the tables are imported, create a business model. Right, click on Business models –> New Business Model…
- Provide the connection, name and click on OK.
- Model is created as follows:
- Log in to the Pentaho console and create the interactive report from the created model ‘SecuredReport’
Business Tables: Tables which appear in the model. Add the tables from the connection made as shown.
Click on OK and then change the properties if required and then click on OK again.
Relationships: Provides information regarding the relationship between tables i.e. details regarding the join used.
Create a New relationship as shown below:
Business View: Category of tables that should be seen in the model.
Graphical view of the created data model is as shown
Save and then publish the created model to the server.
To create an interactive report, click on Create New –> Interactive Report
Select data source as ‘SecuredReport’ and click on OK
A view which is similar to analysis reporting appears where only the tables selected in Pentaho metadata editor appears
Create a report with 2 columns i.e. aduserid and custname as shown
The similar kind of interactive report can also be created with the existing data sources. But using metadata editor, we can even restrict the data which would be discussed in the next blog.
In Case if you have any queries please get us at
Thank You
Mounika Pulimamidi
BI Developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
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