Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 0

Prerequisites : Jasper 7.8

Here we have 2 ways to change the logo

1.Creating a new overrides_custom.css
2.Importing Theme from older version

1.Creating a new overrides_custom.css
Steps to be followed  :

a) Create a folder in Themes and add a images folder in it

b) Create a overrides_custom.css with below code

#logo {
	 background: url("images/logo.png") 0 0;
	 height: 24px;
	 width: 177px;

c) Add this css to newly created folder

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

d) Add the logo to images folder

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

e) set Logo theme as Set Active Theme

f) Clear the browser cache and logged into application

2.Importing Theme from older version

a) Take theme Export from Jasper older version

b) Log in to newer Jasper Server and click on Manage –> Server Settings

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

c) Click on Import and choose the zip file which we taken from step (a)

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

d) Check ‘Include Themes’ in Import options.

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

e) Click on Import

f) Once the theme is imported, need to activate theme. Go to View –> Repository

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

g) Click on Themes and imported theme is visible

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

h) Right click on ‘Logo’ theme and select ‘Set as Active Theme’

Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version
Change Tibco logo when upgrading from Jasper older version to new version

Thank You,
Satya Gopi.


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