Prerequisites : Jasper Server 6.4.0 Enterprise
Requirement : Set the default selections for “Overwrite Files” and “Output to Repository” to “unchecked” on the output option tab for scheduler
To achieve above changes we need to modify java script file “jobModel.js” which locates in below location
jasperserver-pro\scripts\bower_components\jrs-ui\src\scheduler\model directory.
In this file we need to change the createFromUri.repositoryDestination class mutator from saveToRepository: true to saveToRepository: false and overwriteFiles:true to overwriteFiles:false
Save the changes and test the script.Basically jasper has optimization java scripts ,so first we need to check the change without optimizing the scripts and once it looks fine we need to optimize the scripts
To check the script without javascript optimization:
- Edit “” file under \jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF directory, and change the following property setting from javascript.optimize=true to javascript.optimize=false
- Save the change;
- Restart JasperReports Server;
- Clear browser cache;
- Test application to see the effect of your customization.
Once we are satisfied with the Result ,user should then run optimization script in Jasper server
User can find “Customizing JavaScript Files” information from this link:
Once running of Optimization scripts is done then revert the changes in files and test the changes once again
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