Installing Jasper server with MySQL Database

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

This blog will help you understand how to install Jasper Server with MySQL database

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Pre requisites
1. Install the Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6 or 1.7. Create and set the JAVA_HOME system
environment variable. i.e., Make sure Java path are set for your user profile or system
Please follow the link to get the software.

2. Jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-bin-zip
a. Download Jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-bin-zip from the below mentioned location.

3. MySQL database.
a. Please follow this link to get the software.
Note: We can use any other database as well. For demo purpose we are using mySQL.

4. Apache Tomcat Server
a. Please follow this link to get the software.

Follow below mentioned steps to install Jasper server CE 5.0.0 with mySQL database.

Step 1:- Extract all files from Choose a destination, such as C:Jaspersoft on Windows. The directory, jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-bin, appears in the file location you choose.

Step 2 :- Copy the <database> file for your database from sample_conf and paste it to buildomatic:
Copy from — <js-install>/buildomatic/sample_conf/
Paste to — <js-install>/buildomatic
For example, copy to <js-install>/buildomatic.

Step 3:- Rename the file you copied to

Step 4:- Edit the file to add the settings for your database and application server.

Below mentioned is a sample property values MySql database.

MySQL appServerType=tomcat6 [tomcat7, tomcat5, jboss, jboss7, glassfish2,
glassfish3, skipAppServerCheck*]
appServerDir=c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6†


Set the following in the file
webAppNameCE = jasperserver

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Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.

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Place mysql-connector-java-5.1.10.jar driver in the following location
D:install SWjasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-binbuildomaticconf_sourcedbmysqljdbc

Step 6:-
Run the js-install scripts.
a. Start your database server.
b. Stop your application server.
c. Open Command Prompt as Administrator on Windows.
d. Run the appropriate commands:

js-install-ce.bat : Installs JasperReports Server, sample data,
and sample databases (foodmart and sugarcrm)

js-install-ce.bat minimal : Installs JasperReports Server, but does not
install sample data and sample databases

If you installed the optional sample databases, complete the installation by executing this command: js-ant deploy-webapp-ce from buildomatic location in command prompt.

For example in the following location:
C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0webapps

Step 7:-
Run the tomcat server and type the jasper server url.
For example: http://localhost:2222/jasperserver/login.html


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