Business Intelligence Session Management in Spring Security By Nikhilesh Before we go to spring security session management let first understand what is session and why session is required. Whenever we connect to any web server through URL, we use browser as client which uses a HTTP protocol for communication...
Business Intelligence Sorting Data In Mysql Based On Field Value Of a column By admin This blog will teach you how to sort Data In Mysql Based On Field Value Of a column We can sort data based on field value of a column by using ORDER BY FIELD () in mysql. Database : world...
Business Intelligence JDBC Connection Pooling in Jaspersoft By Nikhilesh How JDBC Resources and Connection Pools Work Together in Jasper Report’s server JasperReports Server can access any database using the JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) API. We can configure two types of data sources in the repository: Make data easy...
Business Intelligence Domains accepting Custom Datasource as Bean By Nikhilesh Domains accepting Custom Datasource as Bean The following description is related to Bean data source. In general domains don’t accept bean as data source. To enable a custom data source for usage in a domain you can effect the following...
Business Intelligence ETL Project development using Agile-Waterfall-ETL Framework method By Nikhilesh ETL Project development using Agile-Waterfall-ETL Framework method ETL projects development while performing all the following tasks takes very long time. But, using Agile-Waterfall-Framework method could enhance the speed, quality and delivery of ETL projects. Various tasks which are required to...
Business Intelligence First encounter with Visualise.js By Shraddha Tambe First encounter with Visualise.js As we all know, visualise.js is a javascript framework introduced in JasperServer 5.6, for integration of jasperserver reports & visualizations inside web applications. It is available only with commercial editions of JasperServer 5.6. Prior to 5.6,...
Miscellaneous Hibernate One-To-One Mapping By Nikhilesh Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for Java language, providing a framework for mapping an object oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object...
Business Intelligence Talend Enterprise Studio for DI installation using Installer By Nikhilesh Talend Enterprise Studio for DI installation using Installer This post provides the information about the following topics on Talend Enterprise Studio for Data Integration r. Installation Requirements Introduction to the Talend products Talend Enterprise Studio Installation (Using Installer) 1. Installation...
Miscellaneous Exploring cron Expression By Nikhilesh Cron is a UNIX tool that has been around for a long time, so its scheduling capabilities are powerful and proven. The CronTrigger class is based on the scheduling capabilities of cron. CronTrigger uses "cron expressions" for scheduling . *...
Databases Create Dynamic Query In MYSQL Using Stored Procedure By admin This blog will teach you how to create dynamic query in mysql using stored procedure. Dynamic SQL is a programming technique that enables us to write SQL statements dynamically at run time. Dynamic Queries are not embedded in the source...
Miscellaneous TRANSACTION IN HIBERNATE By Nikhilesh Transaction: the term transaction has many different yet related meanings in regards to persistence and Object/Relational Mapping. In most use-cases these definitions align, but that is not always the case. Might refer to the physical transaction with the database. Might...
Business Intelligence BI for Healthcare By Nikhilesh BI for healthcare Healthcare organizations are going through a technology and data revolution. Pressure from a wide range of sources are forcing both providers and health plans to look at their data and technology investments in new and innovative ways...