Add PhantomJS libary in JasperReports Server

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft, Pentaho | 0

Phantom JS is additional library need to be added in the Jasper server to export the report with HTML5 charts in different formats like PDF, Excel etc.. Without this library we cannot the export the reports which are containing HTML5 charts, if we export the report then it will throw an error. To fix the issue we need to the phantom js application in the Jasper server configuration file.

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Follow the below steps to add this in Jasper server

1. Download the PhantomJS zip fileusing the below link


2. Extract the zip and place the folder inside Jasper server installed folder

Location: \jasperreports-server-7.9.0

3. Get the path of the phantomjs.exe file location. Go to phantomjs -> bin folder.

Copy the path: \jasperreports-server-7.9.0\phantomjs\bin\phantomjs.exe

4. Open the file from the below location

File Location: \jasperreports-server-7.9.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\classes

5. Add below property at the bottom of the file



6. Restart the Jasper server

7. Login to the jasper server

8. Run a report which contains HTML5 charts and export the report into PDF

9. Now we can see the report exported into PDF format

Thank You


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