Jaspersoft Reporting Bands

Posted on by By admin, in Business Intelligence, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

                                                                                                        I-Report Bands

A jasper report is composed by a set of sections named as “bands”.  Every band contains few properties such as height. Band height should be greater than 0, otherwise it will never be visible to user.  The band height can grow if elements inside it are stretched.

Default Bands in Report:

Title Band

Printedonly one time and it’s the first band. It can be printed on a separate page. You can print report title in this band.


Page Header

Printed on each page.


Column Header

It prints on each page if page contains detail band. If page splits it prints on each page. You can use this to crate manual table and put column name in this band.



It prints for each record in the source.


Column Footer

It is same as column header band, but it prints in footer instead of header.


Page Footer

Same as Page header, but it is footer section.



It prints only once at the end of the report. It can be printed on separate page also.



It can be used to define a page background. You can also use image in this band.


The position of bands cannot be modified. For each band, you can modify only band height.

This is the sequence of bands in any jasper report (Fig 1.0). You can hide/unhide bands according to your needs.

If you click on any band, you can see the properties of that band in your right hand side panels (Fig 2.0). (If properties panel is not visible, Click on menu Window > Properties.


FIg 1.0

FIg 1.0

Fig 2.0

Fig 2.0






Sharad Sinha


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