Dremio Installation on Ubuntu 17.10

Posted on by By Sayali Mahale, in Business Intelligence | 0

Dremio Installation on Ubuntu 17.10

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Pre-requisites :

  • Ubuntu 17.10
  • Alien package should be installed on Ubuntu Server using below command
  • sudo apt-get install alien

To install Dremio on Ubuntu 17.10 follow below provided steps:
1. Download Dremio RPM file from below provided link :

Dremio RPM Download
2. Keep downloaded RPM file at specific directory and Navigate to same directory.
3. Execute below alien command which ccovert .rpm file to .deb file:
sudo alien –scripts -d Downloaded_dremio_rpm_file.rpm
4. Give exectuable permission to .deb file , refer below command :
sudo chmod 0777 dremio_file.deb
5. Now install .deb dremio package using below command :
sudo dpkg –install dremio_file.deb
6. Once dremio installation will be done check whether dremio service is started or not if not running then start using below commands :
sudo service dremio status
sudo service dremio start
7. You can access dremio WEB UI using below URL :

This way dremio will be installed on Ubuntu Server.


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Hope it helps 🙂

In case if you have any queries please get us support@helicaltech.com
Sayali Mahale | BI Developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

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